An awesome set of garden themed yoga cards and printables for kids! Garden yoga is great to incorporate into the classroom, home, therapy, daycare and beyond everyday! (note they are everyday objects and not pictures of kids in the yoga pose).
Feel confident you will have fun garden themed movement based activities that your kids will LOVE, and so will you!
How to Use
Cut out and laminate cards and put Garden Yoga Cards on a ring. Use full sheet printables for bulletin boards, centers, or place them in a box. Go no-prep and use them on your whiteboard or tablet.
Who Can Use Them
Anyone can use the Garden Yoga Cards and Printables. They are great for use in the regular classroom, special education room, occupational/physical therapy and physical education.
Where to Use Them
These are perfect for use during a morning meeting, brain break, physical education or during transitions. Use in therapies as warm-ups or prior to testing! Use in the Spring or all year long!
14 yoga cards (4 per page)
14 Descriptions formatted for front to back printing
14 Descriptions if not wanting to print front to back.
14 full sheet printables with descriptions (Same Poses)
1 Yoga Cover Card
Total Pages: 29
Downloadable PDF
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