Therapy Punch Cards
These are a great addition to your therapy session for motivation and reward. You can choose from 10 different styles of punch cards. Check out the additional pictures. Completely updated in April 2018.
How To Use
Laminate and cut out punch cards.
Let students select which punch card they would like.
Reward students in your therapy session by earning a punch on their card.
Earn punches for behavior, achievements, and hard work!
Who Should Use These
These are great for all therapists including but not limited to physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists!
10 Different Designed Sets of Punch Cards
4 per sheet
Put their name on top and punch or cross off a number after each session. Great to use as an incentive for therapy with a reward of your choice at the end. (Example: Time on the playground)
Total Pages: 12
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