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Imagine how great it would feel to have a variety of screen free movement and gross motor activities created and ready to use today!
Not only would you have awesome resources, but you could feel confident knowing that your kids are having fun with physical activity, gross motor, and movement activities!
- No worrying about what fun movement activity you will do today!
- Proven fun screen free movement activities you and your kids will LOVE!
- No planning or worrying about how to incorporate movement - get started today!
This LIMITED time offer is only available to subscribers. Do not let the time run out and miss out on this one time offer.
RIGHT NOW!!! You can save time and let go of the frustration and overwhelm that come with developing, creating and searching for movement based resources! Have fast, fun, and effective resources that incorporate movement and physical activity for kids!
Join THOUSANDS of others already using and LOVING Pink Oatmeal resources!
Hello! I’m Chanda and I am the creator of all the resources you see at Pink Oatmeal. I am a mom of 3 young children and have worked as a pediatric physical therapist in the public school system. I understand the stress and pressure that can come with trying to do it all. I know as a mom, therapist, and someone who worked in the school system how important it is for kids to have opportunities for physical activity! I want you to benefit from my love of creating fun and exciting resources for physical activity and motor planning. Join me and thousands of others using Pink Oatmeal resources and start making movement fun today!

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