Get your hands on these locomotor card and printables and have a versatile set of locomotor movements to use in the classroom, therapy room or at home.
This set of cards and printables includes 19 different locomotor movement cards (4 per page) and corresponding printable. These are great visuals for movement and gross motor skills.
Included in this set is cards and printables as well as a digital version in both PowerPoint and Google Slides.
How to Use
•The locomotor printables are simple to put up on an interactive white board for an entire class to see and perform the actions. A digital version is included as well!
•Place printables around the classroom, therapy room, or home for a movement break.
•Place printables in the hallway for movement breaks throughout the day.
•The brain break cards are perfect for any individual child or to use as a game.
•Laminate brain break cards and put them on a ring!
•Place cards in a box and let the kids pick them out.
•Cards are small and easy to carry between places or just load them on your computer with the digital version.
Who Can Use Them
These cards and printables are perfect for the much needed movement breaks for children. They are simple to utilize in any setting. They are very versatile and you can use them however you wish!
Where to Use Them
In a classroom, special education resource room, physical education, PT, OT, or SLP session.
19 cards (4 on a page)
19 Full Sheet Printables
The full sheet size version is also available in PowerPoint and Google Slides digital files.
Movements Included – Run, Walk, Walk Backward, Gallop, Jump, Single Foot Jump, Leap, Skip, Roll, Knee Walk, Forward Step Up, Side Step Up, Side Step, Crab Walk, Bear Walk, Waddle, Heel To Toe Walk, March, Crawl
Zip File – PDF, PowerPoint, Google Slides Copy Link
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