Monthly Covers Labels

The monthly labels are the perfect way to keep all of your printables organized and usable year after year! This product is for Pink Oatmeal All-Access Pass Holders only! Downloadable PDF file. Read more details below!

This product can only be downloaded by members. To access this product, sign up by purchasing a membership.

Have amazing labels to store all your printables and games year to year! Having them organized and ready to use over and over again makes them even better! There is a label for each month. Use them on a binder or storage bin.

Think of how fantastic it would feel to have everything have a place and label! Stress relieved and time saved! Add more to your storage each year!

This is a collection of general themes you can use anytime of the year!

12 different printable themed labels/covers included

Themes Included In The Pack

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Individually, this is available to All-Access Pass Holders, you can purchase this in the Labels and Covers Organizational Bundle!





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