Bounce and Tap Task Cards


The Bounce and Tap Task Cards are the perfect way to work on motor skills and learning! Your kids will love completing each card and working on motor skills at the same time. The best part, these cards can be used in a variety of positions for challenging whole body motor skills. You will receive downloadable PDF files with your purchase. Read more details below. 

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The Bounce and Tap Cards the perfect way to work on motor skills and learning. The task cards can be used in a variety of different ways!

Feel confident you have a fun way to work on motor skills and learning. 

There are a variety of ways that you can use the task cards.

Included in this file are 48 Bounce and 48 Tap task cards. The cards range from 3 different colors to 5 different color spots.

Print, laminate and use over and over again!

These are also great for visual sequential memory. Show the kiddo the card and let them look at the pattern. Now take the card away and have them repeat the pattern without seeing the card!




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