Fitness Bingo


A fun and engaging way to play BINGO!  Fitness BINGO is a must for adding movement to any classroom, home, daycare, therapy center and beyond.  Feel confident your kids will LOVE this game and so will you!  Downloadable PDF file.  See more details below! 

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Have a blast playing Bingo with a fitness twist! Fitness bingo is meant for fun for all ages! Perfect for large groups in your classroom, small groups, or even a single child.

Feel confident your kids will LOVE this game and so will you! 

This bingo is perfect to incorporate into physical education. Use Fitness Bingo as a brain break or in a station. Play bingo in therapy or at home!

Play like traditional bingo but with the added movement and benefits of physical activity!

Adding movement to the day is crucial for learning!


30 Different Bingo Cards
30 Calling Cards – All with different movements

Downloadable PDF

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